AHCCCS News & Updates 
August 26, 2020

All Ordering, Referring, Prescribing and Attending Providers Must Register to Ensure Claims Payment

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures) require that all health care providers who provide services to, order (refer), prescribe, or certify health care services for AHCCCS members must be enrolled as an AHCCCS provider.

Until these Acts passed, referring, ordering, prescribing and attending providers were required to obtain a National Provider Identifiers (NPI’s) but were not required to be enrolled as an AHCCCS provider.

After Jan. 1, 2021 claims which include referring, ordering, prescribing or attending providers who are not enrolled with AHCCCS will not be reimbursed.

AHCCCS encourages all providers who are not currently registered with AHCCCS, but who are referring, ordering, prescribing or attending providers, to register as an AHCCCS provider as soon as possible. Service providers whose claims include referring, ordering, prescribing or attending providers who are not registered with AHCCCS should work with these providers to complete their registration.

To begin the enrollment process, visit AHCCCS Provider Enrollment.

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